Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The ladies of the Sanguine Gryphon took this great video at the Homespun Yarn Party. Check it out!

Filmed by Laura Garcia, edited by Sarah Eyre, music by L'Ensemble Cercamon.

Do you have video or photos from the party to share? You can add your photos to our Flickr group (linked on the sidebar), and if you have a video please send us the YouTube link.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Attn Lisa who purchased Cosy's book...

I was going through my book stack the other day and noticed that I had an autographed book made out to Lisa! The last show I did was Homespun Yarn Party and I remember writing this inscription there - so I assume this sad person thought they misplaced their book, when really I still had it. Whoops!

Anyhow, I’m looking for Lisa so I can send her book to her. If you know a Lisa who attended or if you are Lisa, please contact me!

(Lisa, this is from a thread in the Homespun Yarn Party group on Ravelry. You can also email us at yarnparty at and we can pass that on to Cosy)