The application period has closed. Vendors will be announced soon!
Homespun Yarn Party
Featured Post
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
We have a date for 2018!
Please join us on Sunday, March 18, 2018 from 12-5pm at Historic Savage Mill!
We will be posting the vendor application in the next week!
The application period has closed. Vendors will be announced soon!
The application period has closed. Vendors will be announced soon!
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Sponsor Post: Announcing Frederick Fiber Fest 2018
We are excited to announce the date for Fiber Fest 2018!
Be sure to save-the-date for Saturday, June 9, 2018.
You won’t want to miss all kinds of fiber goodness!
- New location!
- Early bird VIP passes (limited passes available for purchase)
- Classes & demonstations
- Kids Zone
- Breed showcase
- Sheep herding
- Fleece sale
- Great local food vendors
Did you miss this past years Fiber Fest and still want to purchase an exclusive 2017 tote bag?
We still have a few available for purchase. For more information email
Sign up to receive updates on Fiber Fest 2018 at
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Sponsor Post: Frederick Fiber Fest is Next Weekend!
Join us for all kinds of fibery goodness!
Two-Day Free event! 65+ vendors
Saturday, June 10 • 10am-4pm
Sunday, June 11 • 11am-3pm
Kids Zone and Petting Area PLUS Great Local Food!
Hurry! Limited Quantity Available.
Get your early bird shopping pass today for only $20
- Early access to special color ways and products
- Fiber Fest project bag (reg. $15) ... please include attached photo
- Shop before the main crowd on Saturday, June 10 from 9-10am
Spots still available for classes on Saturday and Sunday!
Sign up at
Saturday: Basic Rug Hooking / Nuno Felted Scarf
Sunday: Art Yarn Spinning with Supercoils / Drop Spindle Spinning for Beginners (kids welcome to sign up)
Saturday, June 10
Fleece to Scarf Demonstration/Competition
Starts at 10:30am. Finished products will be judged and auctioned at 3:30pm. For more information, email 50% of the proceeds go to benefit the Frederick County 4H Camp Center.
Sunday, June 11
Meet and greet with Sam BarskyAn American artist and internet celebrity, Barsky is known for knitting sweaters and other items with iconic landmarks, then taking selfies in front of the landmarks while wearing the sweaters.
Fleece Sale 11am-3pm
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Sponsor Post: Frederick Fiber Fest Shopping Passes
Attending Fiber Fest? Consider our early bird shopping pass to enhance your experience.
Early Bird Shopping Pass - Only $20
• Early access to special color ways and products
• Fiber Fest project bag (reg. $15)
• Shop before the main crowd, Sat., June 10th from 9-10 am
Only 100 passes available.
Don't miss your chance to get yours early!
P.S. Fiber Fest is a FREE event that does not require the early bird pass. Please join us for a wholesome, fun event for the entire family that showcases the beauty of a little known industry in the Frederick area. Over 65 yarn dyers and spinners will be participating, plus some extra crafty goodness. For more information, visit:
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Sponsor Post: Casapinka Shawl Class at Knit Locally
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Sponsor Post: Frederick Fiber Fest Classes
Come spend the day shopping for fiber-related products, meeting new friends and working on your latest projects. It's all kinds of fiber goodness wrapped up into this two-day event! You won't want to miss it!
Sign up now for classes!
Space is limited!
Saturday, June 10th
11am-1pm: Nuno Felted Scarft - A fabric felting technique developed by Polly Stirling, a fiber artist from New South Wales, Australia, around 1992. The name is derived from the Japanese word “nuno” meaning cloth. The technique bonds loose fibre, usually wool, into a sheer fabric such as silk gauze, creating a lightweight felt.2pm-4pm: Basic Rug Hooking - Learn basic hooking techniques to get started and basic finishing techniques. You will receive a kit that includes the pattern, hook, cut wool and a book.
Sunday, June 11th
10am-noon: Freeform Knit/Crochet Shawl - Bring a bagful of leftover yarn and you will learn how to turn them into a work of art. You can use all crochet, all knit or both.1pm-3pm: Art Yarn Spinning w/Supercoils - Learn the basics of art yarn, but the art of the super coil. We will go over the spinning of a thick and thin single as well as how to create super coils. This is an intermediate-advanced spinning class. No beginners, please.
For more information, check out
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Sponsor Post: Exciting Happenings at Lovelyarns!
The Alpaca Yarn Company is coming to Lovelyarns for a trunk show on Saturday, March 25th 1-4pm to help kick off the Charm City Yarn Crawl!
And of course loads of gorgeous locally hand-dyed yarn and fiber for spinning and felting from Brediculous Yarns, Create Yarnworks, Feederbrook Farms, Full Circle Artworx, Flying Goat Farms, Kim Dyes Yarn, Dancing Leaf Farm, Of Grace and Stitches and Snallygaster Fibers!
Here are some of the goods:
New Hand-dyed organic cotton from The Great Adirondack Yarn Co in Amsterdam, NY
New hand-dyed Roving from FullCircle Artworx in Baltimore, MD
Handcrafted crochet beaded bangles by Susan Adele Davis, Baltimore, MD
New hand-dyed SW Merino yarn by Brediculous Yarns, Baltimore, MD
They now have BUTTONS!!
And of course loads of gorgeous locally hand-dyed yarn and fiber for spinning and felting from Brediculous Yarns, Create Yarnworks, Feederbrook Farms, Full Circle Artworx, Flying Goat Farms, Kim Dyes Yarn, Dancing Leaf Farm, Of Grace and Stitches and Snallygaster Fibers!
Here are some of the goods:
New Hand-dyed organic cotton from The Great Adirondack Yarn Co in Amsterdam, NY
New hand-dyed Roving from FullCircle Artworx in Baltimore, MD
Handcrafted crochet beaded bangles by Susan Adele Davis, Baltimore, MD
New hand-dyed SW Merino yarn by Brediculous Yarns, Baltimore, MD
Sunday, March 19, 2017
10th Annual Thank You Post
Thank you for another great Yarn Party!
We had a really great time today and want to thank everyone who came and participated in our 10th anniversary celebration! We had over 600 visitors this year. First, a couple of lost-and-found notes: several jackets were left in the room. They're still there - please contact the Great Room to arrange pickup (see photos in our Facebook Group). A WIP was left at our greeter table; PM or email me if it's yours. One of our visitors lost a floral earring; if you happened to pick it up, please contact us. Now for the thanks...
Our generous sponsors:
All of our vendors make their own products in some way, whether that means raising the animals, dyeing the fiber, spinning the yarn, or crafting bags, jewelry, woodworking, or pottery by hand in small batches. You can find profiles of each of the vendors on our blog, with links to their websites.
We couldn’t do this without you and truly appreciate all your hard work helping spread the word and ensuring everything comes together on the day of show.
Our teachers:
TAPS. Alternative House, and AAMC project and yarn donors and everyone who stopped by the charity tables to work a few rows on our scarves and hats. Kyrsalynn shared some photos in the charity thread on Ravelry.
And everyone who came to shop and socialize and learn and be awesome together!
Please share your photos on Facebook, Instagram, and Ravelry! Lindsay's photos are up on Facebook, and purchase show and tell is happening on Ravelry.
-Jess, Paula, Corrine, and Lindsay
We had a really great time today and want to thank everyone who came and participated in our 10th anniversary celebration! We had over 600 visitors this year. First, a couple of lost-and-found notes: several jackets were left in the room. They're still there - please contact the Great Room to arrange pickup (see photos in our Facebook Group). A WIP was left at our greeter table; PM or email me if it's yours. One of our visitors lost a floral earring; if you happened to pick it up, please contact us. Now for the thanks...
Our generous sponsors:
- Cloverhill Yarn Shop
- Fibre Space
- Frederick Fiber Fest
- Knit Locally
- Looped Yarn Works
- Lovelyarns
- Nature's Yarns
- Charm City Yarn Crawl
- Leona's Gallery
- Second Story Knits
- Woolstock Knit & Sew
- Woolwinders
- Corrine Walcher Designs
- Charm City Yarn Crawl
- Bonaparte Breads
- Nature’s Yarns
- Laurenhaiken
- and all of our vendors (double thanks to those of you who also provided a volunteer door prize)
All of our vendors make their own products in some way, whether that means raising the animals, dyeing the fiber, spinning the yarn, or crafting bags, jewelry, woodworking, or pottery by hand in small batches. You can find profiles of each of the vendors on our blog, with links to their websites.
- A Mermaid's Harvest
- AlpacaJoy of Maryland
- APH Designs
- Backyard Fiberworks
- Crabapple Yarns
- Cynthia Crane's Pottery
- Dancing Leaf Farm
- Dragonfly Fibers
- Duck Duck Wool
- End of the Row Yarns
- Feederbrook Farm
- Flying Goat Farm
- Hipstrings
- Hobbledehoy Yarn and Fiber
- Kate's Cauldron
- Lattes & Llamas
- MarigoldJen Hand Dyed Yarns
- Metis Industries
- Neighborhood Fiber Co.
- Rajkovich Designs
- Rising Tide Fiber Co.
- Snallygaster Fibers
- SpaceCadet
- StarKnits
- Taylored Fibers
- Tempting Ewe Yarns Inc
- That Clever Clementine
- The Woodrasp Shop (no website)
- Threeravens Fiber Studio
- Wandering Wool
- Wild Hare Fiber Studio
- Wolles Yarn Creations
We couldn’t do this without you and truly appreciate all your hard work helping spread the word and ensuring everything comes together on the day of show.
- Andrea B.
- BlueLoom
- claireleah
- cozit
- cyb
- darymaid
- dreamerwithdrive
- elizen8876
- EmpirePhoenix
- geniap
- gottoknit
- imjustlori
- jhankie
- joneice
- KatMacPet
- Klevitan17
- heiressknits
- laramary
- laurenhaiken
- leapatti
- LiisaB
- ljhaynes
- LuckbeaPanda
- marseille
- miscellaneaarts
- mizzleahmae
- passionateknittr
- p1lambird
- pef1996
- pelageyka
- PhDelicious
- Su1282
- Tanno
- TipsyTarsier
- tobebeatrice
- vaacosta
- Vegetarianwmn
- woundtootight
- xavyor
- and the bonus helpers that came with these folks!
Our teachers:
- geniap, ClaireLeah, TipsyTarsier, pelageyka, laurenhaiken, imjustlori, marseille, su1282, and tobebeatrice
Our selection committee, who have the difficult job of narrowing down the applicants to fit our space.
TAPS. Alternative House, and AAMC project and yarn donors and everyone who stopped by the charity tables to work a few rows on our scarves and hats. Kyrsalynn shared some photos in the charity thread on Ravelry.
And everyone who came to shop and socialize and learn and be awesome together!
Please share your photos on Facebook, Instagram, and Ravelry! Lindsay's photos are up on Facebook, and purchase show and tell is happening on Ravelry.
-Jess, Paula, Corrine, and Lindsay
10th Annual Homespun Yarn Party - Today's the Day!
Roads are clear and it's warm and dry inside the mill. Come party with us!
Here's a round up of information about this year's event:
Where: Historic Savage Mill - 8600 Foundry Street, Savage, MD 20763
When: Sunday, March 19, 2017 from 12-5pm
Admission is FREE!
Carpool if you can and come later in the day to avoid the crowds. We promise there will still be great yarn, fiber, prizes and other treasures. We recommend parking in the West lot (at the far end of the mill), and you can usually find street parking in the neighborhood within a few streets.
We're excited and we hope you are too. See you soon!
Friday, March 17, 2017
Breaking News! One-on-One Help from our Roving Teachers!
Do you have a project in the works that could benefit from some quick expert advice? Bring it along!
In addition to our regularly scheduled classes this year, our teachers have generously offered to make time available for those needing a bit of help on a project (e.g. picking up stitches, tightening holes in heel gussets, those blasted side stitches that like to get messy, joining new fiber on your spindle without losing twist, interpreting a tricky pattern instruction) and offer impromptu mini-sessions and on the spot Q&A on crochet, spinning, and knitting.
If you see one of our teachers sitting at the class table without an active class session, or roving about, sporting an HYP "Roving Teacher" button, feel free to flag them down for assistance!
As a reminder, our class sessions are detailed here:
1:15 - More Ways to Cast On
1:45 - Intro to Drop Spindle (bring fiber & spindle)
2:15 - Weaving Ends and Joining Yarn
2:45 - Intro to Drop Spindle (bring fiber & spindle)
3:15 - Fixing Your Mistakes (bring your swatch, needles, and a hook)
3:45 - Longest Thread Contest (bring fiber & spindle)
4:15 - Intro Knit or Crochet or Sock Machine and Spinning Demonstrations
Our teachers will be out and about throughout the day. We want to make sure our teachers get some shopping time in, so if they don't have their button on, they're off-duty. The 4:15 class session will depend on interest - we definitely want to enable new knitters and crocheters - but most Yarn Partiers are already pretty savvy so we will likely have best availability in the 4:00 hour.
In addition to our regularly scheduled classes this year, our teachers have generously offered to make time available for those needing a bit of help on a project (e.g. picking up stitches, tightening holes in heel gussets, those blasted side stitches that like to get messy, joining new fiber on your spindle without losing twist, interpreting a tricky pattern instruction) and offer impromptu mini-sessions and on the spot Q&A on crochet, spinning, and knitting.
If you see one of our teachers sitting at the class table without an active class session, or roving about, sporting an HYP "Roving Teacher" button, feel free to flag them down for assistance!
As a reminder, our class sessions are detailed here:
1:15 - More Ways to Cast On
1:45 - Intro to Drop Spindle (bring fiber & spindle)
2:15 - Weaving Ends and Joining Yarn
2:45 - Intro to Drop Spindle (bring fiber & spindle)
3:15 - Fixing Your Mistakes (bring your swatch, needles, and a hook)
3:45 - Longest Thread Contest (bring fiber & spindle)
4:15 - Intro Knit or Crochet or Sock Machine and Spinning Demonstrations
Our teachers will be out and about throughout the day. We want to make sure our teachers get some shopping time in, so if they don't have their button on, they're off-duty. The 4:15 class session will depend on interest - we definitely want to enable new knitters and crocheters - but most Yarn Partiers are already pretty savvy so we will likely have best availability in the 4:00 hour.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Sponsor Profile: Knit Locally
What is your Ravelry name/group?
Where are you located and what are your hours?
We just moved to the heart of Gaithersburg (Montgomery County) on the edge of the historic district. We're located at 1 East Diamond Avenue, at the intersection of East Diamond and Chestnut Avenue (across from the side entrance to the fairgrounds).
We are open:
Wednesday/Thursday: 12-6 Friday: 12-8 Saturday: 10-5 Sunday: 12-5
Look for expanded hours during the Metro Yarn Crawl, from March 31st through April 9th this year.
We welcome knitting groups with a group discount, gift with purchase, and refreshments. We will even schedule special hours to accommodate your group.
What kinds of things do you carry?
We carry a large selection of America's finest artisan yarns, select international yarns, and hand-made jewelry. Our yarns cover all your fiber needs, from basic to luxury yarns.
We are intensifying our efforts to carry a large assortment of independent fiber artists and feature hand dyers, including hand spun yarns, not sold elsewhere in this area. Also, we've added some unique fashion accessories, specifically colorful, hand made/embroidered shawls, vests and jackets.
How long have you been in business, and what inspired you to open your business?
We just started our third year in our new location. I have finally fulfilled a lifelong dream of opening a yarn store.
What's your favorite thing about having a LYS?
The celebration of color and texture which envelopes you the moment you walk into the shop. It is instantly calming and uplifting.
Sponsor Profile: Cloverhill Yarn Shop
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Cloverhill Yarn Shop owners Wae (left) and Amanda play around with puni mustaches after one of the shop's spinning Fridays. | our email is
What is your Ravelry name/group?
Cloverhill Yarn Shop
Where are you located and what are your hours?
We are located in Catonsville, MD at 77 Mellor Avenue.
We're open Monday-Saturday from 10am-6pm and Sunday 12pm-6pm. In addition, we host the following:
Sit and Knit Thu 6-8pm
Sit and Knit Sun 1-5pm
Sit and Spin 2nd and Last Friday 6-9pm
What kinds of things do you carry?
We carry a variety of products including yarns from a variety of companies like Berroco, Cascade, Knitting Fever, Malabrigo, Skacel, and many others. You can also find our own line called Tempting Ewe Yarns which is sold exclusively at Cloverhill Yarn Shop. We also sell fiber and roving for spinning and felting to include products from Ashland Bay to Hobbledehoy batts and rovings. We are also Schacht, Ashford, and Spinolution Dealers and we can order in any of their products from spinning wheels to looms.
How long have you been in business, and what inspired you to open your business?
Amanda Ko and Wae Wang bought Cloverhill Yarn Shop and we opened our doors to a newer and brighter space on July 2nd, 2013. We have been working hard to restore Cloverhill to its former glory. Many customers had drifted away over the years and we wanted to build on the history of our shop to create a space where the fiber loving community can gather free of judgement or prejudice to celebrate our love for our crafts. We have the most loving and supportive community of men and women and it really shows and we invite everyone to come on by because Cloverhill is back!
What's your favorite thing about having a LYS?
Our favorite part about having a LYS would have to be the people we get to meet everyday. We really do enjoy meeting new customers and getting to know them individually and welcoming them into our community. They know we're their safe place and if they need help we're there. We also like the yarn and the fiber, a lot.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
2017: Wolle's Yarn Creations
I am the creator of the original gradients - Color Changing Cotton yarns. Lately I have branched out and am now also offering cotton/silk and cotton/glitter yarns. All the yarns are next-to-skin soft and drape well; they are perfect for knitted, crocheted, and woven shawls and cardigans. The yarns are available as 50, 100, 150, and mega (180 gr) skeins -- all skeins are handmade.
Twitter: @wollesyarn
Ravelry: Wolle
2017: Wild Hare Fiber Studio
Gradient dyed self-striping yarns and spinning fibers, black light reactive and sparkling hand dyed sock yarns, mini-skein sets, and custom blends and textured batts for spinning and felting... Wild Hare Fiber Studio will inspire your creativity! Home of the 'Weave-a-Round' Circle loom, a easy, portable way to weave that is perfect for handspun yarns and 'stash-busting'
Ravelry: wildharefiber
Saturday, March 11, 2017
2017 Vendor Map and Venue Info
(Click the image to enlarge)
Savage Mill is a super cute old complex that was once a fiber mill. It's got spinning areas, carding areas, weaving areas, and a cotton shed. You can read more about the history and renovation here. It's the perfect venue to hold us and our fiber fanatics!
Savage is just north of Laurel - get directions from your location here. It's pretty convenient from I-95, right off Rt 32. For your GPS, the address is 8600 Foundry Street, Savage, MD 20763.

Once you're at the mill, we'll be in the Great Room. There are maps around once you're in the door, so it shouldn't be hard to find us! Parking is easiest in the west lot - it gets pretty crowded in the closer lots!
While the Mill does not have any competing events scheduled this year that we know of, we’d like to encourage the folks that tend to line up outside the room to come a little later this year, if you can...this made a big difference last year: we had no wait to get in once doors opened and the shopping experience is always much more relaxed after the first hour. We promise you there will be tons of great yarn to check out all afternoon, and we will encourage vendors to hold back some of their best sellers until later in the day! We'll be announcing new door prizes every 30 minutes.
Also, take some time to check out all the great antiques and furniture! There's a used book store, craft and scrapbooking stores, a bead shop, a game shop, and more to see! Save room for a delicious french pastry at Bonaparte Breads. The rest of the Mill is open until 6pm. If the weather is nice, go for (or send your family on) a walk on the Savage Mill Trail or take a self-guided tour of Savage!
2017: Wandering Wool
Wandering Wool carries a variety of wool and wool blend yarns, all dyed by hand in my home studio. I specialize in gradient colorways with long color changes in addition to semi-solid and variegated colorways. My colorways are inspired by nature and travel.
Twitter: @WanderingWool
Ravelry: WanderingWool
2017: Three Ravens Studio
My current work combines natural elements like stones, metals, and plant matter with hand dyed wools and other fibers to create wearable pieces as well as items to adorn the home. This is in addition to my colorful handspun yarn and fiber and tools!
Twitter: @xiane_3ravens
Ravelry: xiane
Friday, March 10, 2017
2017 Classes, Contests, Prizes, Swag, and more!
For the last few years, we've run The Longest Thread Competition at Homespun Yarn Party. Its been such a hit, that we’re doing it again!
Bring your favorite drop spindle and 10g of the fiber of your choice. Everybody gets ten minutes to spin as much singles yardage as they can. The longest singles wins GLORY, and a prize. In honor of our 10th anniversary, this year's winner will receive former local vendor Sarah Eyre's Craftsy class, Professional Yarn Dyeing at Home, donated by our spinning teacher Lauren.
Hope you join us!
Don't know how to spin on a drop spindle? We will teach you! We'll offer free classes on knitting, crochet, and drop spindle throughout the day. If you're a beginner looking to pick up a new craft, loaner needles and hooks will be provided for intro to knit and crochet lessons. For the spinning lessons, you can purchase some fiber and a spindle from one of our lovely vendors or bring your own.
We're excited to bring you two new classes this year. We'll show a few different cast ons - i.e. for toe up socks, or the circular cast on for shawls (instead of the tab), or even how to knit that tab. Time permitting, we may add some cast-off options, such as a stretchy bind off for socks or cuffs. For both knitters and crocheters, we will give tips on how to weave in ends. Then we will show some methods to join new yarn in the middle of a project to avoid having ends to weave in at all.
We're also bringing back the "Fixing Your Mistakes" class. Bring a 3"x3" stockinette swatch on large needles with you and we'll teach you how to easily pick up a dropped stitch, add a yarnover when you realize you've missed it on a later row, and fix a twisted or accidentally purled/knitted stitch. Bring a crochet hook appropriate for the yarn used in your swatch if possible; picking up stitches will be easier with one. If you don't have time to swatch you can watch our demo.
Classes are held at the center tables. Space is limited and classes are first come, first served.
1:15 - More Ways to Cast On
1:45 - Intro to Drop Spindle (bring fiber & spindle)
2:15 - Weaving Ends and Joining Yarn
2:45 - Intro to Drop Spindle (bring fiber & spindle)
3:15 - Fixing Your Mistakes (bring your swatch, needles, and a hook)
3:45 - Longest Thread Contest (bring fiber & spindle)
4:15 - Intro Knit or Crochet or Sock Machine and Spinning Demonstrations
In addition to our group sessions, our teachers will be available for one-on-one project help and Q&A throughout the day. More details are available here.
We'll have fantastic door prizes throughout the day, courtesy of our vendors and sponsors. You'll get a raffle ticket as you enter, and we'll draw winners every half hour. Prize packages will be on display at the HYP Door Prizes table (aka the TABLE OF AWESOME) - place your ticket in the jar for the prize you'd most like to win but make sure you'll be in the room when that ticket is drawn - you must be present to claim your prize.
Don't forget to bring your comfort monsters for TAPS, hats and scarves for Alternative House, and chemo caps for Anne Arundel Medical Center in memory of HYP volunteer Beth Haneke. If you have any extra yarn you'd like to donate, Claire will be happy to take it off your hands at the Knitters and Crocheters Care table. Some scarves will be started if you'd like to stop by and add a few rows. You can read more about this year's project here.
We'll have Homespun Yarn Party bags, stitch marker boxes, key tags, tape measures, and buttons for sale at the HYP swag table just inside the door. We will have some limited edition 10th anniversary buttons this year. If you don't have a swift and ball winder at home, or if you just can't wait to start working with your new purchases, we will offer winding for $2 a skein at the HYP Winding Station. All proceeds support future Homespun Yarn Party events.
Here's a preview...
Weather permitting, the adjacent deck will be available to hang out and socialize if you need a break from shopping. If the deck is open and it's warm, we may also have some fun demos of wheel spinning, and an antique sock machine. Keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather, but our vendors are all indoors so we are mud-free and dry, rain or shine!
Bring your favorite drop spindle and 10g of the fiber of your choice. Everybody gets ten minutes to spin as much singles yardage as they can. The longest singles wins GLORY, and a prize. In honor of our 10th anniversary, this year's winner will receive former local vendor Sarah Eyre's Craftsy class, Professional Yarn Dyeing at Home, donated by our spinning teacher Lauren.
Hope you join us!
Don't know how to spin on a drop spindle? We will teach you! We'll offer free classes on knitting, crochet, and drop spindle throughout the day. If you're a beginner looking to pick up a new craft, loaner needles and hooks will be provided for intro to knit and crochet lessons. For the spinning lessons, you can purchase some fiber and a spindle from one of our lovely vendors or bring your own.
We're excited to bring you two new classes this year. We'll show a few different cast ons - i.e. for toe up socks, or the circular cast on for shawls (instead of the tab), or even how to knit that tab. Time permitting, we may add some cast-off options, such as a stretchy bind off for socks or cuffs. For both knitters and crocheters, we will give tips on how to weave in ends. Then we will show some methods to join new yarn in the middle of a project to avoid having ends to weave in at all.
We're also bringing back the "Fixing Your Mistakes" class. Bring a 3"x3" stockinette swatch on large needles with you and we'll teach you how to easily pick up a dropped stitch, add a yarnover when you realize you've missed it on a later row, and fix a twisted or accidentally purled/knitted stitch. Bring a crochet hook appropriate for the yarn used in your swatch if possible; picking up stitches will be easier with one. If you don't have time to swatch you can watch our demo.
Classes are held at the center tables. Space is limited and classes are first come, first served.
1:15 - More Ways to Cast On
1:45 - Intro to Drop Spindle (bring fiber & spindle)
2:15 - Weaving Ends and Joining Yarn
2:45 - Intro to Drop Spindle (bring fiber & spindle)
3:15 - Fixing Your Mistakes (bring your swatch, needles, and a hook)
3:45 - Longest Thread Contest (bring fiber & spindle)
4:15 - Intro Knit or Crochet or Sock Machine and Spinning Demonstrations
In addition to our group sessions, our teachers will be available for one-on-one project help and Q&A throughout the day. More details are available here.
We'll have fantastic door prizes throughout the day, courtesy of our vendors and sponsors. You'll get a raffle ticket as you enter, and we'll draw winners every half hour. Prize packages will be on display at the HYP Door Prizes table (aka the TABLE OF AWESOME) - place your ticket in the jar for the prize you'd most like to win but make sure you'll be in the room when that ticket is drawn - you must be present to claim your prize.
Don't forget to bring your comfort monsters for TAPS, hats and scarves for Alternative House, and chemo caps for Anne Arundel Medical Center in memory of HYP volunteer Beth Haneke. If you have any extra yarn you'd like to donate, Claire will be happy to take it off your hands at the Knitters and Crocheters Care table. Some scarves will be started if you'd like to stop by and add a few rows. You can read more about this year's project here.
We'll have Homespun Yarn Party bags, stitch marker boxes, key tags, tape measures, and buttons for sale at the HYP swag table just inside the door. We will have some limited edition 10th anniversary buttons this year. If you don't have a swift and ball winder at home, or if you just can't wait to start working with your new purchases, we will offer winding for $2 a skein at the HYP Winding Station. All proceeds support future Homespun Yarn Party events.
Here's a preview...
Weather permitting, the adjacent deck will be available to hang out and socialize if you need a break from shopping. If the deck is open and it's warm, we may also have some fun demos of wheel spinning, and an antique sock machine. Keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather, but our vendors are all indoors so we are mud-free and dry, rain or shine!
Sponsor Profile: LEONAs GALLERY Sewing Studio
Also on Facebook: LEONAs GALLERY
Where are you located and what are your hours?
LEONAs GALLERY - Sewing Studio
Historic Savage Mill
8600 Foundry Street, Carding Bldg., Ste. 214
Savage, MD. 20763
Hours of Operation: Tuesday- Saturday 11:00am - 6:00pm
What kinds of things do you carry / what services do you provide?
I teach sewing, design and quilting classes. I have a sewing program that allows Home Schoolers the opportunity to earn scholastic achievement in Family & Consumer Sciences. As a dressmaker, I specialize in bridal gown alterations and custom clothing.
How long have you been in business, and what inspired you to open your business?
I feel as though I've been in this business all of my lifetime. I became interested in sewing at the age of ten. I continued my studies in Commercial Sewing & Business Management. I have been sewing for over forty years! I am achieving a lifetime dream of creating apparel and teaching others the valuable life skill of sewing. In 2015, LEONAs GALLERY Sewing Studio took up residence at the Historic Savage Mill. What a wonderful back drop to be in such an historical place that speaks to the overall craft and textile industry.
What's your favorite thing about owning your own business?
What's your favorite thing about owning your own business?
Sponsor Profile: Woolwinders
What is your website? Email?
What is your Ravelry name/group?
Woolwinders Yarn Shop
Where are you located and what are your hours?
404 King Farm Blvd., Suite 150, Rockville, MD 20850
Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 - 6:00
Sunday 12:00 - 5:00
Closed Monday
What kinds of things do you carry?
Large assortment of yarns, needles and accessories
How long have you been in business, and what inspired you to open your business?
Woolwinders has been in business for about 14 years.
What's your favorite thing about having a LYS?
We love helping customers with their knitting projects!

What is your Ravelry name/group?
Woolwinders Yarn Shop
Where are you located and what are your hours?
404 King Farm Blvd., Suite 150, Rockville, MD 20850
Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 - 6:00
Sunday 12:00 - 5:00
Closed Monday
What kinds of things do you carry?
Large assortment of yarns, needles and accessories
How long have you been in business, and what inspired you to open your business?
Woolwinders has been in business for about 14 years.
What's your favorite thing about having a LYS?
We love helping customers with their knitting projects!

2017: The Woodrasp Shop (new vendor!!)
I create unique, hand shaped wood shawl pins and fasteners, and variously sized ornamental pins for needlework apparel from richly grained woods. I use cherry, beech and other hardwoods with unique grain. Meticulously hand rubbed, lustrous finish using fine oil, beeswax and lemon oil.
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