1. What is your website? and email?
FeltForest - www.sharonferg.etsy.com,
flickr id: tiny matryoshka
2. Your Ravelry.com username?
3. Where are you located?
High Bridge, New Jersey
4. What do you make?
I make needle felted creatures and twigcraft to go with them, cages, sleds, beds...
5. Do you make fiber/yarn/etc. full-time?
I wish that I could needle felt full-time, but full time I am a mom and part time I work at my daughter's school as a teacher's assistant.
6. How did you get into making stuff?
We were a pretty crafty family so I've been making things all my life but as for needle felting I took a class on needle felting about 8 years ago and made a play mat for my daughter.
7. How long have you been doing this?
8 years
8. Where do you find inspiration?
Reading stories, fairytales, mythology to my girls mostly, forests, art, most everything.
9. Any funny stories, words of wisdom, something else to share about you or your business?
Don't try to open a bag of chocolates with a felting needle and NEVER leave your critters on your car dashboard when the cover on your heating vent is broken. I have the scars and a little angry gnome forever lodged in my heating system to prove it!
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